Friday, November 27, 2009

Ayurveda massage

Abhayanga: Ayurvedic Oil Massage

Massage, called Abhayanga, plays many important roles in Ayurveda. The typical massage is self massage which is done every morning. Usually one massages themselves before morning Yoga and bathing so that the oil can be absorbed by the body by the heat generated by the Yoga. You can also give yourself a lighter massage after you bath.

ayurveda massage video

Balance Dosha, Increase Circulation and Nutrition, Remove Toxins, Panch Karma
Massaging helps balance the body mind in many ways. It increases circulation to bring more nutrition to the cells and helps to remove metabolic wastes and toxins built up in the system. Using oils specific to doshas one can bring each of the doshas into alignment, especially the Vata dosha which is balanced by oil in general. And the healing aspects of all the essential oils that we use in all our massage oil adds another dimension to the effectiveness of these ayurvedic aromatherapy massage oils. These oils are great to use for Panch Karma preparations (Purva Karma) as they are formulated for each specific dosha and include their own dipanas - digestives.

Live Longer and Happier

Massage is Ayurveda is one of the keys to longevity because it controlls the Vata dosha and it is this dosha that dries us out as we age, causing everything from wrikled skin to constipation. Bob Hope credited his long life to a live in massuese and daily massages. This is confirmation of the Ayurveda principle that massage adds years to your life.

Kerala is famous for its Marma rejuvenation massage.

Experts assist you in this rejuvenation program with marma massage and other famous ayurvedic massages, herbal medicines, fresh food and Indian music.


For strength and rejuvenation. The most frequently practiced massage in South-India. Certain points (similar to acupuncture points) and meridians are massaged. The massage oil used is made from special Ayurvedic herb


For physical and psychical relaxation. Oil is poured over the whole body and is massaged into the skin by two massage-therapists.


Warm oil is slowly poured over your forehead. This massage is used for excess vata, insomnia, depression

More massage-techniques

We offer the full range of all Ayurveda treatments: Synchro-massage, foot-massage, powder massage



General treatment in the Ayurvedic health program, especially for inflammatory conditions of the bones and joints, arthritis, spinal problems, sportinjuries.
Treatment: herbs, leaves or powder of herbs are being applied along with warm oil all over the body.
Duration: 45 minutes each day for a week up to two weeks.


This treatment is very effective with all kinds of arthritis, pain of the joints, decrease of the muscles, high blood pressure and skin problems.
Treatment: the body-worker uses a kind of herbal poultice. Gnavarakizhi is being applied all over the body or parts of the body.
Duration: two weeks.


This is a very effective treatment for migraine and all kind of headaches.
Treatment: drops of herbal juices and oils are being taken through the nose.
Duration: a week up to two weeks.

Thakradhara / Thyladhara

This treatment is very helpful in preventing mental stress as well as Vata dominant diseases like skin problems and sleeplessness.
Treatment: herbal oils will be poured over the face in a certain way.
Duration: 45 minutes each day for at least one week.


An effective treatment for diabetes.
Treatment: massage with herbal oils.
Duration: 45 minutes each day for a week up to two weeks.


Helpful with bone and joints inflammation and fungus.
Treatment: medical ghee will be given in certain doses to the patient.
Duration: eight days to two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. It's a mixer of the body of insects and fungus. A fungus on a caterpillar's head, which is used as a medicine. It has an Indian name called Keeda Jadi, which is known as an insect herb. Keeda Jadi founds on the Himalayas, also known as Himalayan Viagra and energy booster, also effective for many diseases, including impotence and cancer, more expensive than sleep. It improves strength, increases energy levels, where it is used for medical purposes since the 14th century.
